Scanning Tunneling Microscopy




Scanning Tunneling Microscopy


STM is a tool commonly used to study material surfaces. It applies a potential difference between the sample and the probe, and uses the current generated by the tunneling effect to obtain the surface morphology of the sample. The highest resolution of the two-dimensional image formed by it can reach the atomic scale, and it is a useful tool for studying the surface atoms of conductive samples. In addition, this instrument can also measure the I-V characteristics of the surface, called tunneling spectroscopy (STS), to study the electronic structure of the sample surface, and can be used with a lock-in amplifier to obtain the local density of state distribution (LDOS) .

(Sample restrictions: conductors, semiconductors, semimetals)

Purchase Date


Purchase Amount

NT 2,774,547


Danish MicroEngineering


DME 1749, DualScope C-26 Control System

Instrument Specifications

Standard sample dimensions
 *Diameter: max. Ø 10 mm.
*Weight: should be lower than 15 g.
*Height above holder plate: max. 0.5 mm.
*Sample size up to 4.5 mm.

Scan head
*3-axes piezo motor.
*Scan range: 5 x 5 µm^2.
*Tip: Pt/Ir, Ø0.4 mm, mechanical sharpened.

Sample holder suspension concept
*Leaf springs, symmetric three point contact.

Additional accessories

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